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Since 1850

The company was founded in the second half of the nineteenth century. An ancient tradition that continues today, to the fifth generation of nurserymen. The "Marconi Vespuzio" for many years has produced various essences  Mediterranean plants such as pittosporum, palms and citrus fruits, in  later he directed the production on two essences, Olm oak (Quercus ilex) and Oleander (Nerium oleander), improving the product thanks to extreme specialization.

What do we produce?

Our production is mainly focused on  Nerium oleander and Quercus ilex in medium-large sizes arriving, for the Oleander, in specimens of mt. 4.50 / 5.00  and for the Leccio to specimens of mt. 7.00.
All production is carried out with the continuous repotting technique from the seed or cutting.
Our production also boasts a green and sustainable policy, with the total absence of chemical treatments, thanks to biological and good control  resistance of these two species to phytopathological attacks.
The Marconi Vespuzio company responds to the call for sustainability and environmental pollution.

Get in touch

Umberto Marconi +39 348-7429499

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